Easy automatic backup method.
If you need to back up your files, do you manually back up your files by selecting them? If so, can you tell when this file was modified?
In case of manual backup, some files may be missing, and unmodified files may be backed up, and backup file storage locations may not be unified, which may cause confusion.
The “Block ransomware and backup” product supports these backups automatically. Since the backup method used here is not “incremetal backup” or “differential backup”, users can always look up backup files at any time.
Set the backup policy as follows:
– Specify backup sources (drives or specified folders)
– Set to backup only the specified extension files or exclude only the specified extension files from the backup
– Specify the folder where backup files will be saved
With this setting, when a file is modified or created, it is automatically backed up. Also, the folder location to be backed up is similar to the original file location.
For example, if the source file is “C:\Test\Sales\My.xlsx” and the backup location is “D:\Backup”, then My.xlsx will be backed up to the “D:\Backup\Test\Sales” folder. Make sure the “Test\Sales” folder is the same.
The backup file name is composed by adding the backup time “year(4) + month(2) + day(2) + hour(2) + minute(2) + second(2)” to the end of the original file name. Therefore, the name of the backup file makes it easy to know when it was backed up.
Therefore, the above My.xlsx file is backed up to “D:\Backup\Test\Sales\My_20180131_134512.xlsx”.
In other words, you can find the location of the backup file immediately and know when it was backed up.
Also, backed up files can not be modified or deleted. This prevents accidental deletion or modification of the backup files.
If the program temporarily stops protection, you can modify or delete the backed up files.